Druid Park Lake Drive Pedestrian Safety & Petition
"Zion’s life was almost cut short today due to an irresponsible and reckless driver." TAP Druid Hill is sharing the moving testimony of Dave Pierre, whose son was nearly killed by a car while crossing Druid Park Lake Drive. Read Dave's story and sign the petition demanding immediate traffic calming.
TAP Druid Hill Auchentoroly / Mondawmin Report
TAP Druid Hill is excited to share our Auchentoroly / Mondawmin Report. This community-based report identifies the transportation safety and accessibility needs on the west side of Druid Hill Park. Read the executive summary and download the full report.
Druid Hill Sidewalk Ramps Completed
Nearly four years after Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks (BCRP) began work on the "Druid Hill Neighborhood Access Improvements" the improved ADA sidewalk ramps and traffic signals are finally complete! We are exited to have basic park access restored to the 2016 level.
Findings from Druid Hill PARK Survey
Working with the communities of New Auchentoroly Terrace and the Reservoir Hill Improvement Council, researchers conducting the The Druid Hill PARK (Park Access & Regional Knowledge) Survey reached out to 175 random households in these neighborhoods to ask them questions on access and use of Druid Hill Park. 87 households [...]
Arches & Access Light Art & Parade
Showcasing the cherished connections between Druid Hill Park and surrounding neighborhoods, the Arches & Access project illuminated and activated the historic Druid Hill Park Gate at Madison Avenue and Rawlings Conservatory with colorful lights, a community parade, and a public party on the evening of November 3rd, 2019.
Arches & Access Parade & Evening Wander
Reservoir Hill's historic Druid Hill Park Gate at Madison Avenue will be illuminated in colorful lights and will be the starting point of a light parade and walking tour. All are invited to activate the Arches & Access light art with a community parade on Sunday, November 3rd, 5:30-9pm and walking tour on Friday, November 8, 7-9pm.
Four new crosswalks installed!
Thanks to the continued advocacy of resident leaders, TAP Druid Hill is excited to report the installation of four new crosswalks at intersections along south Auchentoroly Terrace and at Druid Hill Avenue where marked crossings never before existed. These four intersections provide critical pedestrian links between neighborhoods around Druid Hill Park and our adjacent green spaces.
Auchentoroly / Mondawmin Pedestrian Safety Walks
The Access Project for Druid Hill Park (TAP Druid Hill) invites residents living on the west side of Druid Hill Park to participate in a set of pedestrian safety walks on Saturday June 29, 2-4pm, and Saturday July 27, 2-4pm. Walk in community while identifying opportunities for making our streets safer, especially for seniors and children on foot, wheelchair, bicycle, and e-scooter.
Crosswalks Repair Progress
After three years of advocacy by residents, elected officials, and TAP Druid Hill, the crosswalks to Druid Hill Park along Auchentoroly Terrace at Gwynns Falls Parkway and Fulton Avenue are finally repaired. In early 2017 the crosswalks were ground off as part of a park access improvement project. After years of advocacy by residents and TAP Druid Hill DOT crews came out in late April and mid May to re-stripe the crosswalks at Gwynns Falls Parkway and Fulton Avenue.