After three years of advocacy by residents, elected officials, and TAP Druid Hill, the crosswalks to Druid Hill Park along Auchentoroly Terrace at Gwynns Falls Parkway and Fulton Avenue are finally repaired. In early 2017 the crosswalks were ground off as part of a park access improvement project. When the crosswalks were not repaired within a few weeks local residents began pushing for their reinstallation. In late 2017 crosswalks were poorly reinstalled by a contractor. The new crosswalks immediately chipped away, proving confusing to motorists while endangering residents seeking to access Druid Hill Park. Resident leaders were promised that the crosswalks would be reinstalled once the weather warmed up in spring of 2018. While these repairs did not take place during 2018, TAP Druid Hill renewed efforts earlier this year to restore the long gone crosswalks after a near fatal accident between a bus and wheelchair rider at Fulton and Druid Hill Avenues in April 2019. In response to our urgent requests, DOT crews came out in late April and mid May to re-stripe the crosswalks at Gwynns Falls Parkway and Fulton Avenue. Thank you DOT for for the new crosswalks! TAP Druid Hill looks forward to more pedestrian safety and access improvements around Druid Hill Park in the near future.
On April 18, 2019 a bus struck a man riding his electric wheelchair as he crossed Fulton Avenue where the crosswalk was entirely missing. The victim way thrown 10′ to the curb and sustained injuries, but thankfully survived. Pictured is the bus and the survivor’s wheelchair after it was turned up right after the accident.
Before and after of the crosswalk across Fulton Avenue where a wheelchair rider was struck by a bus on April 28, 2019.
DOT crews installing a new crosswalk to Druid Hill Park at Fulton Avenue.
DOT crews installing a new crosswalk to Druid Hill Park at Auchentoroly Terrace and Gwynns Falls Parkway.