Thanks to the continued advocacy of resident leaders, TAP Druid Hill is excited to report the installation of four new crosswalks at intersections along south Auchentoroly Terrace and at Druid Hill Avenue where marked crossings never before existed. These four intersections provide critical pedestrian links between neighborhoods around Druid Hill Park and our adjacent green spaces. For years residents have faced unyielding, speeding traffic at unmarked crosswalks along Auchentoroly Terrace at Ruskin and Edgemont Avenues, and at Druid Hill Avenue next to Cloverdale basketball courts. Now, for the first time, children, families, and seniors will have officially recognized places to cross the street as they connect with the recreational opportunities in and around Druid Hill Park. It is now the responsibility of motorists to follow the state law and yield to all pedestrians crossing the street at these intersections.
While the intersections along south along Auchentoroly Terrace are relative safe, the crosswalk on Druid Hill Avenue just south of Fulton Avenue is still extremely dangerous, especially for children walking from Penn North to Cloverdale Courts and Dorothy Heights Elementary School. Marking the crosswalk was an important first step taken by the City. TAP Druid Hill will continue to advocate to the City to install more traffic calming improvements at this crossing, such as bumpouts/bulb-outs and a HAWK beacon to more assertively remind motorists to stop for pedestrians with the right-of-way.
Before and after crosswalk installation at Auchentoroly Terrace and Ruskin Avenue.

Before and after crosswalk installation at Auchentoroly Terrace and Edgemont Avenue.

New crosswalk at Auchentoroly Terrace and Fulton Avenue.

Before and after crosswalk installation at Druid Hill Avenue south of Fulton Avenue.

New crosswalk at Druid Hill Avenue south of Fulton Avenue still needs more traffic calming to protect Penn North children walking to Cloverdale courts and school.