BCDOT and WSP released the Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets Design Effort Study Report. This report identifies the current transportation challenges faced by pedestrians, transit users, wheelchair riders, and bike/scooter riders; summarizes project aims, documents the extensive public input collected, and present three design alternatives: a four lane options, a 2 lane option, and a hybrid 3 lane option. Click here to view the full report on BCDOT’s website and submit any additional comments by April 15, 2022.
In early 2021 the Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) and consultants WSP launched the community input phase of the “Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets” design effort to restore park access for all residents and redesign the highways around the park as neighborhood boulevards serving all residents. The study addresses park access around the entire park, including Druid Park Lake Drive, Auchentoroly Terrace, Reisterstown Road, and Druid Park Drive. BCDOT aims to identify areas where improvements are needed to make safer connections for pedestrians and bicyclists, develop traffic calming methods, reimagine the corridor with elements of a landscaped boulevard, and consider new circulation patterns to highlight the neighborhoods’ historical relevance. Recognizing that over the years there have been multiple plans and studies for the park and the surrounding area, BCDOT is building on existing material to develop a plan for Druid Park Lake Drive and Auchentoroly Terrace.
In the course of conducting the study, BCDOT and WSP conducted interviews with numerous local resident leaders, held pop-up events in Druid Hill Park and surrounding neighborhoods, canvassed locals via a paper survey distributed at all surrounding homes within the project area, help three virtual public meetings addended by hundreds of residents, and distributed and print and online survey that was completed by nearly 1000 participants.