Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets Design Effort design options

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) is undergoing a Complete Streets planning and concept design process for the two-mile section of Druid Park Lake Drive from the I-83 ramp (Mt. Royal Terrace) to the north entrance of Greenspring Avenue, including Auchentoroly Terrace. Baltimore City Department of Transportation has shared three preliminary design concepts for complete streets improving access to Druid Hill Park for local residents. Complete streets are streets designed to meet the needs of all residents, including those on foot, wheelchair, bus, bike, and car. The design team is currently seeking public feedback on its three preliminary street design concepts. Preliminary concepts presented at the October meeting can be found on the BCDOT Druid Park Lake Drive project website. Share this presentation with your neighbors in the immediate blocks around Druid Hill Park. DOT is seeking comments through December 17, 2021.

Click here for the project website:


Click here to see the full presentation of the three preliminary design concepts:


Click here to provide your feedback on the Preliminary Design Options via the Public Comment Form.