Join us to create the future of Druid Park Lake Drive!

Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets Design Effort map

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) is undergoing a Complete Streets planning and concept design process for the two-mile section of Druid Park Lake Drive from the I-83 ramp (Mt. Royal Terrace) to the north entrance of Greenspring Avenue. As the study nears completion, the design team is eager to share their ideas with the community and project stakeholders. Please join us for an online presentation, Thursday, October 7 at 6:30 pm. During that time the design team will share several scenarios and listen to your comments

Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets Public Meeting
October 7, 2021, 6:30pm

Meeting link:

Or telephone: 
(253) 215-8782
Webinar ID: 840 9908 1400
Passcode: 434776

For more information on the Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets Design Effort and related project documents, please view the project website